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Join us in celebrating Christine Hearn and helping her beat Glioblastoma!
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You can fill out the form below to register or you can go to Score Chaser to register.
Being a Sponsor:
For Sponsorship please click one of the buttons below for additional information.
Click the button below to be a sponsor or to donation items or services for prizes.
Sponsors - Donation Items
Click the button below to give monetarily to Chris and her battle.
Give Monetarily
All proceeds (100%) raised will go directly to Chris and her fight against brain cancer.Ā
Prices are listed below, but stay tuned as we will be adding awards for the shooters as well as baskets you can try to win.Ā
Entry Fees:
Sporting clays is a 12 station 100 clay target event. Helice is a 15 helice target race at the helice ring. Prices are for entry fees only, ammo is not included.Ā
A box of ammo has 25 shotshells. You will need 4 boxes for sporting clays and up to 2 boxes for helice.Ā
Enter to Win Prizes:
We will have a few items to auction on their own with their own ticket prices. More info to come soon.Ā Ā
Not sure what all these terms and events are? No problem, we are here to help you understand. Below are two short videos to help you understand, but here is a brief synopsis:
Sporting Clays: We like to explain it as golf with a gun and instead of a little ball on the ground, you are shooting at a clay target flying through the air. Our course has 12 stations and a round will consist of 100 clay targets for an event.Ā
Helice: This game most simulates wild bird hunting. Using a plastic two piece target the goal is to separate the two and the white part must land within the fenced area to be counted as a hit. This is a fun fast paced, instictual game.
Sporting Clays Info Video:
Sporting Clays Video
Helice Info Video:
Helice Video
Once you have completed the form, click the button below. We will forward an invoice for payment or pay at time of arrival. We will be able to accept cash, check or credit card.Ā
If you have any questions or would like to offer a donation, please reach out via email by clicking HERE Ā or use the links above for sponsorship and donations.