
EARasers™ Musician Filtered Earplugs

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EARasers™ Musician Filtered Earplugs

EARasers™ Musician Filtered Earplugs

$49.95 $39.95

Whether you are a musician, dentist, music/concert enthusiast, venue/bar/dance club operator, or just exposed to excessive noise, EARasers™ High Fidelity Earplugs allow you to hear clear at a safe comfortable level.  Available in extra small, small, medium and large!

Size Choose an option: Extra Small, Large, Medium, Small


Whether you are a musician, dentist, music/concert enthusiast, venue/bar/dance club operator, or just exposed to excessive noise, EARasers™ High Fidelity Earplugs allow you to hear clear at a safe comfortable level.

EARasers™ use a “V-Filter”™ Acoustic Resonance Technology. This means they are the only passive earplug in the world that essentially inverts the natural resonance of your ear canal achieving the only flat response earplug on the planet! ( /-4.5dB; 125Hz – 8000Hz).

Using this open canal designed, EARasers™ allow sound to travel much closer to the eardrum before being filtered, thus creating a more “natural” sound, which keeps the musical layering intact and allows more sound to come through in those very low and very high frequencies. This difference achieves the element of clarity that is not found in other plugs on the market today.